Azbell held up a flier announcing a boycott of city buses on Monday-the same day Rosa Parks was scheduled to be tried for violating an ordinance calling for segregated seating.“Joe showed the flier to me and said, ‘This is going to be in the paper tomorrow,'” Ingram recalled. “Sometime later, Dr. Martin Luther King told me that ‘Joe and the Advertiser printing that on the front page on Sunday morning was a greater impetus for the success of the boycott than anything before.'”
It is 13.208 centimeters
Each inch represent 2.45 cm
A resume can help one in the future because it can show and prove your future for work, getting a house, clean water and more! You can get a resume for other stuff as well. If you wanna work at a school, then get a resume to prove to your manager/boss that you are to be trusted. You can also get an acting job, or a doctor job. Just get a resume so that you can be trusted and have more of a chance to do stuff in life. A resume is also an important tool for your job search because it offers a page or two where you can display your top skills and qualities.
The correct answer is D, since <em>Dad </em>is a pronoun, it must be capitalized.
One paragraph sorry I don't know too much on it.
the structure of The Great Fire reinforce the central idea because the cause-and-effect structure illustrates the ways the firefighters tried to put out the blaze, and the impact of their actions. Most residents came out to watch the blaze because residents were used to fires and did not think that this one was different from any others. Several key mistakes contributed to the spread of the great fire and stopped it from being put out i.e. Schaffer's assistant refused to correct the signal.