Educated people don't need to be in Iran. Iran doesn't provide colleges or any type of higher education that awards degrees. Iran is also a dangerous place, especially for women, seeing as you have gangs or terrorist groups such as The Taliban or Isis.
Potential Energy
The potential energy gained is 43750 J
Potential energy is the energy by virtue of an object's position relative to the ground ie, the height of the other object.
For example, an object has more potential energy when it is on top of a two-story building than it does resting on the ground. That's because the object's relative position to the Earth gives it more energy.
Potential Energy is defined as
Potential energy = Mass * height
Given Mass M = 1250 N
Given height h = 35 m
So the potential energy = 1250 * 35 = 43750 J
Thus the potential energy is 43750 J
Space has its own geography as history happens in time