<span> D. goods are bartered without speaking</span>
The answer is letter D. Camillo Benso Cavour. Cavour wanted
to unify Italy after Mazzini and Garibaldi had tried to unify Italy.Cavour was a firm believer of constitutional
monarchy and founded the news Il
Risorgimento". The paper was created to help Italians to voice out
their right of sovereignty.
(1)Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (2)Arizona, California, New Mexico, Texas, Colorado, Nevada and Utah
First <span>the capitalist world was in the great economic depression.
Second "</span><span>decline” took place in the 1970s and 80s during which the international competitiveness of U.S. commodities and capital decreased drastically.
Third </span><span>“decline” occurred during the recent financial crisis.
Reasons Why
* </span><span>first two “declines”, the United States entered a new stage of economic growth through reform and innovation. There are still lots of uncertainties whether the U.S. economy would be able to recover this time, but it seems certain that one, the United States has fallen from the peak of economic hegemony and it is unable to change the trend of plural development of the world economy in the 21st century even if its economy could resurge, and two, the U.S. economy remains strong and will witness a fairly long period of development in the wake of fresh scientific and technological revolution.
Reliable Sources - reliable sources are generally academic sources written by experts but not always. They can also come from the press, or from common people as long as they are well-written, unbiased, and present updated and reliable information.
include academic sources
are written by experts
present reasonable information
Unreliable Sources - unreliable sources are characterized by being misguiding, by having a poor writing, by presenting low quality or outdated information, and by authors who have neither credentials nor credibility.
Unreliable sources
have a biased point of view
present outdated information