He helped created modern astronomy.
In early 1610, he made the first in a remarkable series of discoveries. While the scientific doctrine of the day held that space was perfect, unchanging environments created by God, Galileo's telescope helped change that view. He used the telescope to revolutionise astronomy which had relied for millennia on observations and measurements made with the naked eye.
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In every decision making process, we need to consider the pros and cons of each option. The best option will be the one where its pros weigh more than its cons. Considering the outcomes will not only be done by thinking about how to attain the end-goal but also to know the effects of the steps we make in attaining said goal. An option might be beneficial at first glace but might expose negative side effects upon deeper analysis. Thus, good judgment must be practice to benefit not one but all.
Short grasses that grow naturally on steppes provide grazing for cattle, goats, horses, camels, and sheep. Sometimes steppes are overgrazed, which occurs when there are more animals than the land can support. When the short grasses of the steppe are plowed under for agriculture, the soil can erode very quickly.
The Details of the Camp David Accords:
Called for a formal peace treaty to be signed between Israel and Egypt, within three months. Called for establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. Called for Israeli withdrawal from the Sinai Peninsula in stages, to be completed within three years