The change in price will most likely go up due to the price as of now
The price change right now is $8 dollars ($10-$2=$8) and I predict that the price change MIGHT go up by $8 dollars. Or the price will go up by a different number.
The Europeans competed to increase wealth and power by expanding empires to America, they decided to go to Jamestown, Virginia (home to the ruins of the first permanent English settlement in North America.)
When the settlers arrived Jamestown was located on a narrow peninsula bordered on three sides, which later changed location to an island in the James River.
The reason as to why they chose a location near water, was because the location could be easily defended from attacks by sea, the water along the shore was deep enough for ships to dock, and because they had a good supply of freshwater.
Athiens rule and to have freedom of speech
Mexico gained its independence from Spain