Answer: 1) scientific revolution that preceded industrial revolution and which took place in the European Nortwest (science free of religious dogmatism), 2) progressive rational/empiric philosophy of Enlightenment (economic and consequently also political liberalism), 3) free access to raw materials in colonies (Africa, Americas and Asia).
Explanation: Scientic revolution introduced (not completely but almost completely) a mechanistic and materialistic metaphor of the in the 19th century this perspective became predominant (soon after it was an organicist/Darwinian perspective), Enlightenment questioned divine rights of royal power (medieval and ancient idea) and introduced rights of man and consequently idea of society free of all economic and political limitations and then there were vast lands oveseas that could supply necessary material. What makes part of all that is French revolution, first machines and slavery (which abolished during the 19th century).
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Relations between the Soviet Union and the United States were driven by a complex interplay of ideological, political, and economic factors, which led to shifts between cautious cooperation and often bitter superpower rivalry over the years. The distinct differences in the political systems of the two countries often prevented them from reaching a mutual understanding on key policy issues and even, as in the case of the Cuban missile crisis, brought them to the brink of war.
The United States government was initially hostile to the Soviet leaders for taking Russia out of World War I and was opposed to a state ideologically based on communism. Although the United States embarked on a famine relief program in the Soviet Union in the early 1920s and American businessmen established commercial ties there during the period of the New Economic Policy (1921–29), the two countries did not establish diplomatic relations until 1933. By that time, the totalitarian nature of Joseph Stalin's regime presented an insurmountable obstacle to friendly relations with the West. Although World War II brought the two countries into alliance, based on the common aim of defeating Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union's aggressive, antidemocratic policy toward Eastern Europe had created tensions even before the war ended.
The answer is C; France refused germany's request
Many young men were excited when the war broke out since; they could join the army and do something for their country to make them proud or become 'heros'.