Macbeth is plain mad and is definitely mentally disturbed. He is insane because he can see ghost of Banquo at the banquet scene.
Answer:A paragraph is a group of sentences about one topic. It contains a topic sentence, supporting details and
sometimes a concluding sentence. The sentences follow one another from the beginning to the end of the
paragraph. A paragraph is usually part of a longer piece of writing, such as a letter or essay.
His work is manly topographical focused in the accuracy portrayal of places
Joseph Mallord William Turner was an 18th century artist known for his paintings that focused on and perfectly portray what he saw. He made oil paintings and also watercolor paintings. Recognized for the painting "Fishermen at Sea" which was critically acclaimed at the time as something of a brilliant mind. His life was private and he was unsociable and a bit eccentric, those are characteristics of an artist ahead of his time, he could archive deeds of much older masters.
It is by doing the thing that is yes or no