Battle of the Little Bighorn
Although the riot was originally against the draft, it quickly became racially charged against black people. As the rioters believed that the liberation of black slaves and their subsequent migration to the Union would saturate the labor market, and create greater competition for white middle-class immigrant workers.
It is also worthy to note that the dependancy of NYC on the cotton trade with the South was also another reason for the general discontent against the draft and the war itself.
Golden Horde was the name for the region. It was founded by Batu Khan, grandson to Genghis Khan. They were predominately known and feared for their military might. At its peak, they controlled most of eastern Europe.
Department is related to organizations as employee is related to Department.
In an office scenario, a department is compose of employees that worked together. And in a whole, it is called as an organization that is composed of different departments.