"Saved by an Indian Maiden"
"The story begins when Smith and two English companions are ambushed by Indians. After killing his two companions, the Indians take Smith to their chief, Powhatan. After two months in captivity, Powhatan determines to have the Englishman clubbed to death in a ritual ceremony. According to Smith, the plan is thwarted only when the chief's daughter, Pocahontas (then aged 11 or 12), throws herself between him and his attackers causing her father to relent. Smith published his account of the incident in 1624. It is the only description of the event we have and some historians doubt its authenticity. However, the account permanently etched his name in American folklore."
They are made of hot rocks form together
John Jay's treaty sought to settle outstanding issues between the two countries that had been left unresolved since American independence.
The answer is Louis the XVI (16th)