This command opens the file which is passed to it as an argument. We are quite used to the C++'s cin and cout functions contained in iostream library for reading and writing data, however, when working will real-life stuff, we find ourselves working with huge data saved as separate files and require our programs to read them, manipulate them and possibly write back to the files... The first operation usually carried out before a file can be read or written to is open
C. Byte pair encoding is an example of a lossless transformation because an encoded string can be restored to its original version.
Byte pair encoding is a form of encoding in which the most common pairs of consecutive bytes of data are replaced by a single byte which does not occur within the set of data.
For example, if we has a string ZZaaAb, it can be encoded if the pairs of string ZZ are replaced by X and the second pair by Y. So, our data now becomes XYAb.
To get our original data, that is decode it, we just replace the data with the keys X = ZZ and Y = aa thus allowing our original data to be restored.
Since our original string is restored without loss of data, it implies that <u>byte pair encoding is an example of a lossless transformation because an encoded string can be restored to its original version.</u>
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There are also informational websites. The way to find this is to look at the website url to see if it ends in .gov, .edu, and .org . But make sure you cite your source so you don't plagiarize.
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Option D
option d component level design model is the correct answer
on the first empty cell to the right of the last cell containing a value.
The AutoSum function in excel gives a shortcut path to taking the sum of numeric values in a row or column of data. The Autosum uses the sum function to take the addition of all the desired rows or columns values without needing to make a manual highlight of the data. To use AutoSum with a row of 4 values, the cursor must be placed immediately at the cell next 4th row cell containing a value. This is equivalent to the first empty cell to the right of the last cell containing a value, then autosum is clicked in the home tab and all 4 cells will be highlighted as it uses the sum function to calculate the sun of the 4 row values.