Please help me with this before I get and F :(((
Please help me with this before I get and F :(((
The answer to your question would be 'Seasonal fashions', I recommend you put the options the test gives you next time.
The right answer for question 1 is D
The American Revolutionary War would be the correct answer
Chamberlain did what he could (should not have done it in any other way).
Chamberlain in his position as UK Prime Minister, going to such events as the Munich Conference, Germany was prepared for both options if Hitler refused or not. Hitler only agreed to stall time and his preparations for Czechoslovakia were already underway. If Chamberlain demanded better terms then Hitler would most likely refuse to sign it. It is possible if Britain and France had said something about the Remilitarization of the Rhineland then Hitler would have stopped these moves of aggression. Obviously, this move was a huge gamble for Hitler that paid off since France and Britain lacked the knowledge of a semi-weak Germany; instead, they saw legions of soldiers marching into the Rhineland fearing another war would come. If Chamberlain refused to negotiate, then that throws diplomacy right out the window and both Britain and France did not want to start another war so that is out of the question.