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Egyptians believed that the immortal spirit of the deceased remained linked to and dependent on its earthly body. Egyptians tombs were full of items designed to help and guarantee the soul's rebirth and its successful passage into the afterlife. Almost everything included with the burial symbolized rebirth and renewal.
To the ancient Egyptians, the judgment of the dead was the process that allowed the Egyptian gods to judge the worthiness of the souls of the deceased. Deeply rooted in the Egyptian belief of immortality, judgment was one of the most important parts of the journey through the afterlife.
Second question answer: There are some advantages of a command economy, and these include: Low unemployment rates due to the regulation of jobs by the government. Everyone has access to health care services and necessary services needed to live, and usually the fee is either low or free.
(I'm not sure about the 1st question)
The US Banking Act of 1933, is the law that seperated investment and retail banking
The act refers to 4 provisions set in place to manage investment and retail banking those 4 are:
- dealing in non-governmental securities for customers,
- investing in non-investment grade securities for themselves,
- underwriting or distributing non-governmental securities,
- affiliating (or sharing employees) with companies involved in such activities
It was repealed in by President Clinton with the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999