Empathy is an emotion that one needs to understand the world. A person needs to know what the others are going through in order to fully understand. As they say, in their shoes. A situation has many sides and each person has different circumstances and emotional stamina to deal with them
Therefore to fully understand the complete scenario from where one person is coming and feel what he might be feeling and think on his level, one person needs to be empathetic. A lot of concepts and emotions will surpass a person if he is not empathetic.
I think it’s c introduction thesis
Yes, it is merely human nature. No matter what, we always make assumptions about people, whether it be on their looks, the way they act, etc. That is merely human nature. However, that does not make it right. Based on today's principles, it is considered immoral to make assumptions on people based on things about them. But like I said before, it is still human nature, just human nature we tend to try and avoid.
You need to check each sentence for errors. If there's an extra letter, such as the "s" in "reads" (#1) you need to use the symbol which deletes a letter. If a sentence/word is missing a word/letter... you need to use a symbol to show that a word/letter should be shown there.