I hope this is not a real question you have to answer for school. If so, respond how you see best. If there is a “right answer” for this question, I don’t know it. But if it’s up to you, and you want my educated answer, I would say this.
Evolution by natural selection is purely impossible. Without bias, it is impossible. In order for a painting to appear, there must be a painter. In order for a building to appear, there must be a builder. In order for creation to appear, there must be a creator. We didn’t happen by chance. We were creating by a creator. So feelings did not come out of the blue, they were always there, within us, because our creator made us that way.
Was there a book attached? Or is it like check for spelling or something? If a book was attached it’s prolly something in the text that u have to prove that that’s correct or something!