from two stones clapping together. There was no one else around. Em thought that the wind was making the sound, but when she looks outside not a single breeze is in sight. She gets so scared she screams, but no one comes. They say if you listen closely at night you can hear the two stones clapping together and Em screaming.
Surgical robots are not operating independently. Yet, what they are doing is increasingly helping surgeons to operate more effectively. Although the current generation of robots are highly specialized machines, they are still controlled by a highly skilled doctor.
<em>Where</em><em> </em><em>is</em><em> </em><em>the</em><em> </em><em>passage</em><em>?</em><em> </em> ....
All I heard was a loud 'fwooosh!' from the kitchen, and knew what it had to be. I, in a hurry, swiftly grabbed the fire extinguisher. Or, rather, tried to. Instead it hit the ground with a loud 'clank'. Grateful it wasn't broken, I picked it up and with a loud 'crack', I got the extinguisher working and put out the fire.