The last sentence after the no.
Calamitous means the same as unfortunate. It’s definition is catastrophic or disastrous.
Answer: To fit his meter and rhyme scheme.
The answer is false because its not comparing
I prefer to save money. Money is a valuable object, you can buy and sell things. Money can label things, rich, poor, and average. Money has its limits and by saving money, there is less risk of being poor. You can save money to be rich or spend it perfusly and not have as much money. Learning to save is very important because if you don’t, and spend it quick enough, you won’t have anymore. However, sometime we need to treat ourselves after a long day
I prefer to spend money. We should learn to treat ourselves after a hard day of work. We can use money to reward ourselves after an accomplishment. Money is very useful- it gets foods, houses, clothes, you name it! Of course, we need to learn to budget so you don’t get too rewarded and end up broke
I made 2 paragraphs because I didn’t know what did you were on and I hope this helps ;)