How important are reviews? Do they help you make decisions about where you might eat, or what movie you might go see? Is it poss
ible that a well written review might influence you to do something differently than you would otherwise? How about a poorly written one? Write 1-2 paragraphs discussing a time that you were influenced by someone else’s review of something. (This doesn’t have to be written if you haven’t ever really looked at a written review before. It might be a verbal recommendation or non-recommendation.). WRITER
Hi! This is just a basic scenario that you can submit as it is, or change a bit.
I remember a time when I was thinking about buying and reading a book. I read lots of reviews. I was really interested in it, and I had been wanting to read it for a while now. I ended up not buying it in the end because the majority of the reviews said that it was not good and they wouldn't recommend wasting your time or money on it. I was very on the fence about it but I eventually decided it wasn't worth it.
Wife to Troy and mother of Cory, Rose represents the maternal gentleness of the Maxson household. In opposition to Troy's toughness and disrespect for Cory's feelings and opinions, Rose is a source of love and understanding.