A current-controlled, three-terminal semiconductor device used for the control and amplification of electronic circuitry is called transistor
A transistor is a semiconductor device that switches or amplifies electrical impulses. The transistor is one of the fundamental components of contemporary electronics. [1] It has at least three terminals for connecting to an electronic circuit and is made of semiconductor material. The current flowing through another pair of the transistor's terminals is controlled by the voltage or current provided to one set of those terminals. Because the regulated (output) power might be higher than the controlling (input) power, a transistor can amplify a signal. Although many more transistors are found embedded in integrated circuits, some are packaged individually.
Learn more about transistor here.
This is simply the act of genuinely standing against and opposing of racism by advocating for changes in political, economic, and social life etc. This is the practice of confronting, eradicating racism. Anti-racism tends to be an individualized approach, and set up in opposition to individual racist behaviors and impacts.
An Advocate
This is an individual who is actively pleading for a cause and also putting an idea forward. They simply want to shape public perception to effect change that sometimes do not require changes in law.
It aims to raise public awareness and acceptance as well as influence public policy and resource allocations. Advocacy also mean to speak on behalf of another person by recommending or punishing. They simply to create a just society in which all people have equal opportunities and resources to push toward their own goals.
An Oasis because a gravel-covered plain would hurt there feet.A salted crusted flat is dangers if one little piece of water touches the salt could ruin the whole area.A rocky plateau they would have have to climb up and down the plateau and they could get hurt.A Oasis has pure water,and enough trees to keep most or all the air pure, and almost to no dangers animals
Slavery at most of our worries