When they have heard the Banquo had died, Macbeth was angered because the murderers were not able to kill Fleance. The King saw the ghost of Banquo sitting on his throne. Macbeth was very surprised and tried to talk to the ghost which he was the only person who could see. Lady Macbeth tried to save her husband's face by saying telling the ghost to disregard Macbeth's behavior. She scolded him and told him to act normally.
It demonstrates the author's intentions
The key to staying motivated is to think positive and focus on the good things.set a goal that you want to accomplish.
The line from ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’ that shows the difference between city and country living is option C. When one is in town one amuses oneself. When one is in the country one amuses other people. It is excessively boring. The Importance of Being Earnest is a play by Oscar Wilde.
The detailed description about the answer is given below:
• In the third option, the difference can be clearly seen in the living ways of the city and the country lifestyle.
• According to the statement, the author says that in town one amuses oneself, which indicated city lifestyle, whereas, when it is said that in the country one amuses others, it is indicative of country lifestyle.
Therefore, the correct option seems to be C. to differentiate lifestyle of city and country.
Learn more about ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’ here:
Rivers and oceans are polluted by chemical waste