<em> "flowery Victorian language was blown apart and replaced by more sinewy and R-rated prose styles." - </em>L.A. Times®
In my own words, language changed, no more of that english UK accent it changed into this transatlantic accent. Art changed so that mean no more fancy hyper realist art, you could put a stick figure for sale and someone would buy
North Korean life expectancy is 71 years old.
The average for men is 67.2 years and for women its 75 years.
So we could have freedom from the British
To be honest, colonial life sucked. However, it was peaceful, and depending on where you lived, you could depend on your own resources without having to buy anything. In the early colonial days, you probably wouldn't live very long because there were many diseases and dangers in the New World. You would have to work untiringly every day: feed the chickens, milk the cow, tend the garden, and clean the house. However, some people may like this way of life. It's all an opinion.
just searcher this
Explanation: i found it here