I cant give an exact answer, but ill give you information!
So sorry but i cant do the writing for you. It wouldent be fair :) But heres what you can write about!
Ancient City- Mesopotamia
Modern American City- New york City
both use individually created languages
Mesopotamia- Sumerian
NYC- English
Different kinds of architeture
mesopotamia- ziggurats
NYC- sky scrapers
I dont know what the question is but:
The Union's industrial and economic capacity soared during the war as the North continued its rapid industrialization to suppress the rebellion. In the South, a smaller industrial base, fewer rail lines, and an agricultural economy based upon slave labor made mobilization of resources more difficult.
Make them more religious and would relate to their family
History books portray him as a brutal emperor who massacred millions of Asian and Eastern European people. However, he also practiced religious and racial tolerance, and his Mongolian Empire valued the leadership of women. Khan also brought law and civilization to Mongolia and is regarded as a hero in his native land. So technically he is neither a villain or a hero.
The American Expeditionary Forces arrived in Europe in 1917 and helped turn the tide in favor of Britain and France, leading to an Allied victory over Germany and Austria in November 1918. By the time of the armistice, more than four million Americans had served in the armed forces and 116,708 had lost their lives.