The correct structure is shown below,
According to rules the longest carbon chain is selected, and numbering is started from side nearer to carbonyl group. As the parent name goes to ketone, so among alkyne and halogen second priority is given to alkyne and 3rd to halogen
So, the name shoul carry following words,
3- one (for ketone)
5-yne (for Alkyne)
7-Bromo (for Halogen)
Result: So the structure is as follow,
Atoms of all elements—except for most atoms of hydrogen—have neutrons in their nucleus. Unlike protons and electrons, which are electrically charged, neutrons have no charge—they are electrically neutral
The functional group that irritates the stomach is known as the salicylic acid molecule.
The skin is the outer most protective layer that differ in structure and composition of the vertebrates. The main function of skin is the regualtion, sensation and protection of the organism.
The skin is divided into different layer : epidermis, basement membrane dermis, and subcutaneous tissue. Only the dermis layer contains the living cells that are highly vascularized and present beneath the hypodermis. Dermis layer protect the body from the stress and strain.
Thus, the correct answer is option (2).