It will swell and eventually burst because water from the environment is flowing into the cell
This question is describing OSMOSIS, which is the movement of water from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration across a semi-permeable membrane. The osmotic process is facilitated by the formation of an OSMOTIC GRADIENT i.e. difference in concentration between the two sides of the membrane.
In this case, an animal cell containing an internal salt concentration of 70% (hypertonic) were placed in a salt solution with a concentration of 20% (hypotonic), OSMOSIS will occur in the sense that water will move from where it is more concentrated (salt solution) into where it is less concentrated (animal cell), hence, the animal cell will SWELL AND EVENTUALLY BURST.
Answer: All of the finches share common ancestors
B) Diploid - Only Gametes are Haploid. Every other cells are somatic cells which are diploid. They contain 46 chromosomes rather than 23 that the haploid carry. Neurons and glial cells make up of the brain and that makes up the nervous tissue. Just remember Gametes (sex cells) are the only cells that are haploids.