<span>The Great Awaking was referred to as a revival because it refers to periods of religious revivals in American History. There were several periods spiritual awakening that can be considered a religious revival. The Great Awakening occurred as a result of powerful preachers preaching messages of salvation from one's sins. These messages encouraged spirituality and made religion personal to the man on the street. These messages encouraged personal introspection coupled with a commitment to live a moral and righteous life.
When World War I began, many Americans were reluctant to join the war to avoid involvement in Europe's "petty squabbles" (as it saw them), and didn't feel that it was a threat to the US. They did send Britain essential war materials to help them during earlier parts of the war. The First World War saw a continuation of America's Isolationist policy, as the people of America didn't want to become involved in foreign affairs which didn't concern them. America did join the war, however, after Germany sank the Lusitania, killing 128 American citizens. They only entered the war for the last year though, and if they had come in sooner , the war might have ended much earlier.
The correct answer is limited government intervention in the economy. Proponents of this quote believed in capitalism and entrepreneurship as vital in creating prosperity. As a result, they were opposed to government intervening to control business for instance to promote equality.
He and four different assistants were captured amid the second break-into the Democratic National Committee's base camp at the Watergate complex on June 17, 1972. The captures prompted the Watergate outrage and renunciation of President Nixon.
Religion was important in medieval Europe, but that changed in the early modern era. Religion was a driving force in Europe's history, affecting community life, art, architecture, and education. Christianity was the most popular religion in medieval Europe, and the Roman Catholic Church created schools and institutions. As the sole church in Western Europe leading to Christendom, its leaders, notably bishops and archbishops, acquired political posts in government and dictated the laws of the nation throughout the age of faith, creating European religion. The relevance of religion in Europe's history from the Middle Ages to the Early Modern Period and the periods that established Europe's current state.
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