The articles of confederation DID NOT set up a way to settle disputes between states. In fact, it cause more disputes involving a federal government and military. This eventually led to the Civil War.
a country in central Europe: in the Middle Ages the centre of the Holy Roman Empire; dissolved into numerous principalities; united under the leadership of Prussia in 1871 after the Franco-Prussian War; became a republic with reduced size in 1919 after being defeated in World War I; under the dictatorship of Hitler from 1933 to 1945; defeated in World War II and divided by the Allied Powers into four zones, which became established as East and West Germany in the late 1940s; reunified in 1990: a member of the European Union. It is flat and low-lying in the north with plateaus and uplands (including the Black Forest and the Bavarian Alps) in the centre and south. Official language: German. Religion: Christianity. Currency: euro. Capital: Berlin. Pop: 82 114 224 (2017 est). Area: 357 041 sq km (137 825 sq miles)
What did Jesus tell the rich young ruler to do?
sell all he had and give it to the poor.
Its 2 because the domestication of plants and animals was a huge things and it still helps us today