The symptoms of farmworker exploitation and the more flamboyant aspects of farmworkers’ efforts to gain fair contracts from the growers have become quite well-known. Much less known by equally important is a story which deals with the nitty-gritty of the farmworkers’ struggle for economic dignity: their efforts to form a nation-wide farm workers union.
The answer to the question above is the bombing of a hotel in Yemen.
The bombing of a hotel in Yemen was the first example of Osama Bin Laden attacking America. Known as the 1992 Yemen Hotel Bombings, Osama Bin Laden carried out the bombing to target the American troops that was staying in Gold Mohur Hotel. They targeted a second hotel when they found out that they already left when the bomb exploded.
-Running for office
-Taking place in civic meetings
Take your pick
2,211 unknown Union and Confederate
Contains the remains of a soldier who died between 1918 and 1920. Memorial was built on the place where an unknown Serbian World War I soldier was buried. ... Contains the remains of 2,211 unknown Union and Confederate soldiers from Civil War battlefields.