I don know because it is not right
An oligarchy is a system of government where a small number of individuals government a political entity. These individuals can be elected, but normally they are unelected officials who have been given the rights to lead through authoritarian methods.
Democracies are a system of government whereby systems are put into place to allow individuals to vote for representatives or to vote directly on issues related to their political governance.
Republics are democracies in that they involve elections and representation, however, republics institute certain protections for individual rights and liberties usually in a constitution or founding document to prevent the majority from controlling political decisions.
<span>1) The main thing about perestroika that you should know is that its major goal was to reconstruct the political and economic system which were established by the Communist Party, therefore all the changes that perestroika included are:
encouraged government transparency;
allowed multiple candidates to standfor elections in the country.
2) Glasnost is a policy that means 'openness'. More freedom for people, so that people could set up their own business without a threat of communist parties that would keep track of their success. People also became allowed to express their opinion towards everything, including government, therefore:
</span><span>limited the communist government’s
interference in business
allowed criticism of Soviet officials
lessened censorship</span>
Government jobs in exchange for support