The contras<span> is a label given to the various U.S.-backed and funded right-wing rebel groups that ... After US </span>support<span> was banned by Congress, the </span>Reagan<span> administration .... The </span>secret contra<span> assistance was run by the National Security Council, with ... by paid consultants who </span>did<span> not disclose their connection to the </span>Reagan<span> ...</span>
Human-Environment Interaction.
giving the "most power" to the national government, letting the president direct the executive branch, and having a "firm system of checks and balances"?
The analysis of this letter that this Chinese wrote is that they were being asked to contribute towards building something they were not receiving.
<h3>The summary of the letter</h3>
The summary of this letter is that Saum was exposing the hypocrisy of a government that wanted them to contribute towards building the statue of liberty yet the same government was rejecting Chinese immigrants.
He pointed out how unfair the nation was towards Chinese people and how they are restricted from enjoying the liberty that is promised in America.
Read more on the statue of liberty here: