Similiarly, in the same way, in like manner, likewise, by the same token
These all show comparison, unless you have a specific laragraph that I should be reading. These are general comparison words or wording.
So that you can know what to do with the remainder
That's nice how about my Poem.
No Need to be a shadow i see you
No need to be muted i can hear you
No need to cut your not paper
No need to Hang your not a coat
No need to Fall apart because of a guy you'll soon find better
No need to play with your life You are not a toy
No need to not feel loved I love you
No need to feel Numb I'm here
No need to pop pills Your loved
No need to Commit suic.ide There is to much to life
I think all I'm saying is Life is Way more then school, job, rest and repeat There's adventures Happy moments and Horrifying times But we all soon get over these things Your in this world in a life For a reason Life it with a purpose ....Kaz
Expecting this inquiry is alluding to the early experiences between the pilgrims and the Wampanoags, depicted close to the start of the second book, the most essential part of the story is the experience with Samoset. Samoset approaches them "bouldly" and talks in "broken English," which they wonder about. He took in English from anglers who had beforehand gone to the area.
In most of the schools cell phones are not allowed and also most of the people think that cell phone has alot of disadvantages and in schools cell phones are the cause of disturbance.