Nonprofits are tax-exempt or charitable, meaning they do not pay income tax on the money that they receive for their organization.
Memory speaks to the world that has been lost, or all the more precisely the world that has been eradicated.
Yes, I will look at these in a little bit when I get free. I love Blake's Tyger :)
I think that religion is one main factor of Homophobia, as in the bible it says "Man shall not sleep with boy," which actually means, "An adult and kid shouldn't be together." Another large reason, is, people don't like change, and some find the stereotypes people lay out odd, when most aren't true and don't apply to a majority of LGBTQ+. The last reason, is, they're scared of the human race collapsing due to lack of reproduction, which is unlikely, as there are still billions of people on the planet.
I support pride, because, people that are in LGBTQ+ are human as much as we are, and deserve rights. They can't help who they love. They're human beings and should be treated as them. They have done nothing to harm us, so why should we harm them?