in eukaryotic cells, the cytoplasm includes all of the material inside the cell and outside of the nucleus. All of the organelles in eukaryotic cells, such as the nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, and mitochondria, are located in the cytoplasm.
have curved protofilaments at their plus ends
Microtubules are polymers of tubulin proteins that function as the cytoskeleton of eukaryotic cells. Microtubules are dynamic structures that can grow and shrink at a rapid rate. During this process, tubulin subunits can associate and dissociate at the plus end of the protofilament. Tubulin subunits bind to two GTP molecules, one of which is hydrolyzed to GDP after assembly. When microtubules are unstable, protofilaments curl outwards because GDP-bound tubulin has a weak affinity (thereby curving it) and disassemble. The dynamic stability of microtubules is regulated by a feedback loop: when microtubules shrink, free tubulin concentration increases and microtubules start to grow. As microtubules grow, free tubulin concentration decreases and the rate of GTP-tubulin addition also decreases.
Evolutionary theory predicted that bacterial resistance would happen. Given time, heredity and variation, any living organisms including the bacteria will evolve when a selective pressure, in this case an antibiotic is introduced. However it also gives doctors an patient some specific strategies for delaying even more widespread evolution of antibiotic resistance; these strategies include; avoid mild doses of antibiotics over long time periods, don't use antibiotics to treat viral infections, when treating bacterial infection with antibiotics, take all the pills, and also using combination of drugs to treat a bacterial infection.
Established on the data, sickle cell hemoglobin displays altered primary structure and altered quaternary structure; the secondary and tertiary structures may or may not be altered. The sickle cell disease is a cluster of disorders that disturbs hemoglobin, the molecule in red blood cells that transports oxygen to cells all over the body. A person with this disorder have uncharacteristic hemoglobin molecules named hemoglobin S which can interfere with red blood cells into a sickle or crescent shape.