Let the function be Node* ins(Node *root,int k)
if root node is NULL then return new node with data equal to k.
If the k <root->data
else if k >root->data
root->right =ins(root->right,k);
At last return root.
Node is always inserted at the at the leaf node.We will search k in the tree if we hit a the leaf node the new node is inserted as the child of the leaf node.
Data is encrypted on SSH
Telnet and SSH both are the networking protocols. These protocol are used for the security of data. In telnet data is sent over the link without any encryption. That is the reason, in telnet protocol data is less secure.
In SSH (Security Shell) protocol data has been encrypted before transmission. The encryption of data make it more secure between transmitter and receiver.
So the true statement is that, SSH has data encryption.
1) A
Hope this will help u
B. Use a new support manager permission sets
According to the requirements, field level security is required so, 1st options is not suitable because it may reduce the maintenance cost but increase the risk of security.
By creating a separate page for each of the two, it will leads to increase in the maintenance cost of the system. So <u>Option C</u> is also not suitable.
Option B is more Suitable as compared to others, that <em>Create a new support manager permission set</em>, with the help of this, both of Support rep and Support manager can visualize their required information with the help of support manager permission. This solution will not compromise the security and not increase the maintenance cost.
Create web and mobile applacations