d) online catalog</span>
An online library catalog is an electronic bibliographic database that describes the books, videotapes, periodicals, etc. carried by a particular library. The library catalogue is the resource that can help you identify what a library has in it's <span>holdings.</span>
It is a saying that children use to make a promise. They will draw an X<span> over their heart with their finger and say </span> "Cross my heart, hope to die."<span> They may also add </span>"stick a needle in my eye."<span> to make the promise stronger. This shows that they are extremely serious about it.</span>
It will follow a general noun and is not set off by commas is true regarding a restrictive adjectival clause. Since this clause is restrictive, it means it is essential for the meaning of the noun and cannot be excluded.
b. unimportant
extras are usually background characters who are insignificant to the story