The answer is a noun phrase
Muir's writing is on both the beauty and harshness of nature. He talks about the beauty of the flower he discovered, but then talks about having to go without supper or blankets and how storms and the harsh weather conditions became welcomed after probably showing up a lot.
b. And when the dictators, if the dictators, are ready to make war upon us, they will not wait for an act of war on our part. They did not wait for Norway or Belgium or the Netherlands to commit an act of war.
This quote is the best application of logos. Logos is a rhetorical technique of using "logic" and reasonable appeals to make a point, as opposed to <em>pathos </em>(emotion) or <em>ethos </em>(credibility).
This excerpt above lists concrete examples--Norway, Belgium, the Netherlands--that have suffered from these democracies. FDR is using a logical argument here: he's saying, look at all these other examples that have suffered, and follow my approach instead.
And. Is thE best answer because it just makes since