The answer is C: Relative dating can only tell whether one rock layer came before or after another, while absolute dating can give the age in years.
They wanted to reform the Church of England, but England wouldn't let them do that so they sailed for North America to make their own church.
The USA became involved in Vietnam because it feared the spread of communism.
"Colonial America offers religious freedom." was the primary reason colonists came to Massachusetts, since Britain did not allow them to live the lives they wished.
Hi. You did not present the cover of the magazine to which this question refers, which makes it impossible for this question to be answered. However, I will try to help you as best I can.
A historical circumstance refers to a condition for a historical event to happen, that is, this circumstance is referring to a historical event that caused another historical event of greater impact and proportion. Therefore, to answer your question, you must analyze the cover of your magazine and identify which circumstance, which historical event, which provoked another historical event, this cover addresses.