Read below for example
An example would be the various types of mood you can access in the United States, it is never just hamburgers, there can be Mexican or even Chinese food. There are many fast food chain that serve these different types of food. This would be an example of a migrations impact on the world.
highest point is spruce knob at 4,861ft
The form of city government favored by the biggest cities is the Option C: Mayor-Council. For instance, if we are talking about the state of Texas, then all the largest cities operate via Mayor-Council / Council-manager system, except for the Houston and El Paso.
Rome-Berlin Axis - alliance between Mussolini and Hitler
Demilitarized - no weapons and fortifications permitted
Appeasement - satisfying reasonable demands in exchange for peace
Nazi-Sovjet nonaggresion pact - agreement between hitler and stalin
One of the actions that were done to promote assimilation among American Indians, both in the US and in Canada, but also for example in Denmark, is compulsory sending them to boarding schools.
In those schools, the children were forbidden to speak their indigenous language, and many came home (if they were allowed to come home) without being able to communicate with their parents.