The children sailed paper boats before dinner.
Mothers call the children inside when dinner is ready.
She fell while she was playing and injured her knee.
Prepositional phrases are composed at least of a preposition and an object.
The word 'when' used as a conjunction means 'at the time that', and is followed by a subordinate clause.
The word 'while' is used to connect two events occurring at the same time, and is followed by a subordinate clause.
The Three men's lives were saved as they were held above water by the monster which they discover to be a modern submarine, named the Nautilus, as they climb inside they come upon the submarines captain and his crew, his name is Captain Nemo (as i recall).
Answer: Online classes are so annoying and boring.Like Im right now staring at a computer screen for many hours now?
Explanation: I guess online school kind of suck but at least I can do what I want at online school.Go say thanks to this answer if your the same as me or u guys agree with this answer.
“Love can touch us one time.”
You wont have a paper acceptable for any school or job that you may need to write a proper essay or something.