International division of labour.
The separation of work into number of tasks is known as division of Labor.
It is important for the economic progress because it allows the people to specialise in particular tasks. The specialisation makes them more efficient and reduces the cost of total production.
International division of labour is the process that occurs when the production in not limited to national economies. According to the "old " International division of labour the underdeveloped countries were incorporated in the world economy as the supplier of agricultural commodities and minerals, It lasted till 1970's. While according to the theory of New International Division of Labour(NIDL) the manufacturing is shifting from advanced capitalist countries to developing countries.
The election of 1860 is what you would've said was the last straw for the south. For even though Lincoln wasn't put on the ballot anywhere in the south they had more than 1 man running so even though most of the south voted Breckenridge thou but for Virginia, Kentucky, and Missouri and Breckenridge would have won with those four states. So feeling threatened about the newly elected Lincoln right after that south Carolina seceded in December 1860 followed by the 6 others and later to be 11 states. so even though there was many things leading up the CSA the election of 1860 was the straw that broke the camels back and Lincolns becoming president is what caused south Carolina to seceded. Hope this helps and if you have anymore projects let me know cause I find this fun doing civil war projects
5) The Red secret police, known as the Cheka, began <span>A Red terror campaign to destroy all those who opposed the new regime.
6) </span><span>The concept of total war means that </span>a war that involves the complete mobilization of resources and people, affecting the lives of all citizens in the warring countries, even those remote from the battlefields
The Federal Reserve's Reserve Requirement is essential for the stability of our economy as well as the financial security of individuals, families, businesses and financial institutions. Requiring banks to have a reserve requirement serves to protect them and their customers from a bank run.