Jump and stunt are examples of C. ASSONANCE.
Assonance is where the same vowel sound is repeated at almost all the words.
*Alliteration is where the same sound is found at the beginning of the words. exampel: Being better is better than being bitter.
*Consonance is where the same consonant sound is repeated at almost all the words.
Cannot answer without seeing the excerpt and knowing title/author of work in question.
Answer: She chose not to leave her house.
The first option is not the answer because scholars believe that Dickinson had a love interest towards Susan Gilbert for a long time.
The second option is not the answer because growing up, death is one of the type of themes she worked on.
The third option is the answer because as she aged, she refused to come downstairs to greet guests and would even hold conversations through the closed door of her bedroom.
The fourth option is not the answer because she did not often agree with some of the beliefs in her religion as she said, “I feel that the world holds a predominant place in my affections. I do not feel that I could give up all for Christ, were I called to die”.
Restoration, Restoration of the monarchy in England in 1660. It marked the return of Charles II as king (1660–85) following the period of Oliver Cromwell's Commonwealth. The bishops were restored to Parliament, which established a strict Anglican orthodoxy