The answer is B. from east to west
1. Several places in your digestive system secrete enzymes
2. Enzymes play an important role in every function in the human body
3. Enzymes help with nutrient absorption
Embryonic development involves process of formation and development of an embryo. In humans, during the early stages, 10 weeks of embryonic development, all the major body organs are formed.
a. resolve the branching patterns (evolutionary history) of the Lophotrochozoa
b. (the same, it is repeated)
Nemertios (ribbon worms) and foronids (horseshoe worms) are closely related groups of lofotrocozoa. Lofotrocozoans, or simply trocozoans (= tribomastic celomados with trocophoric larva) are a group of animals that includes annelids, molluscs, endoprocts, brachiopods and other invertebrates. They represent a crucial superphylum for our understanding of the evolution of bilateral symmetry animals. However, given the inconsistency between molecular and morphological data for these groups, their origins were not entirely clear. In the work linked above, the first records of genomes of the Nemertine worm Notospermus geniculatus and the foronid Phoronis australis are presented, along with transcriptomes along the adult bodies. Our phylogenetic analyzes based on the genome place Nemertinos as the sister group of the taxon that contains Phoronidea and Brachiopoda. It is shown that lofotrocozoans share many families of genes with deuterotomes, suggesting that these two groups retain a common genetic repertoire of bilaterals that do not possess ecdisozoans (arthropods, nematodes) or platizoos (platelets, sydermats). Comparative transcriptomics demonstrates that foronid and brachiopod lofophores are similar not only morphologically, but also at the molecular level. Although the lofophore and vertebrates show very different cephalic structures, the lofophorees express the vertebrate head genes and neuronal marker genes. This finding suggests a common origin of the bilaterial pattern of the head, although different types of head will evolve independently in each lineage. In addition, we recorded innate immunity expansions of lineage-specific and toxin-related genes in both lofotrocozoa and deuterostomes. Together, this study reveals a dual nature of lofotrocozoans, in which the conserved and specific characteristics of the lineage shape their evolution.
Answer: Medical science is a very interesting feild in science, there is many different ways someone could go with this. For example there is suddies in small organisms like viruses and there is also anatomy. Veterinary scientists need to have a strong interest and skills in science and research. A interesting position to take on being in health science could be medicine because it connects many of the smaller feilds in medical sciences. Medicine is a great area to study because it can only improve and in the world people live in these days it is really important to earth. Medical sciences is a great subject to study for many reasons.