Italian merchants wanted to avoid working with Muslim middle-men who would take a part of the profit for supplying them with Asian goods. They developed naval travel to travel on their own and increase their profit.
Being miss treated by the other men, not only verbally but physically too.
Answer: they felt that every man should have his own basic rights and freedoms and that is what he earned for being born in this country
it's evident that those writing the bill of rights wanted to know what it was like to gain their independence and earn their rightful freedoms and that is what the illustrated in the bill of rights. that every man born on american soil is born with these rights
The Olmecs were the earliest Indian civilization in Mexico.
In November 1992, Iverson was arrested in Newport News for driving without a license and failed to show up for the court date, Killilea said. Later, he was sentenced to community service at a local hospital but failed to complete it until six months after the deadline, she said.