The legislative branch represents the will of the people for passing laws and funding the government, and the executive carries out the laws and the judiciary declares conflicts between laws and sometimes declares laws invalid.
Thats all I know!! I hope you finish it!!
The siege ended on August 30[3] with the sacking of the city and the destruction of its Second Temple. The destruction of both the first and second temples is still mourned annually as the Jewish fast Tisha B'Av. The Arch of Titus, celebrating the Roman sack of Jerusalem and the Temple, still stands in Rome.
John calvin beilived that the teaching of the catholic church and the Anglican church were not of God's teaching / will . While the pilgrims wanted to be seperate from the Anglican Church. In which they were faced with harassment In which the two groups believed it would be better to leave England. So that they could practice their religion in peace and better for their children. Lastly to not be harassed. As well as their children growing up by not being deceived by the teachings of the England church .
Answer: Because of the Gault case, juveniles have the same rights as adults from arrest to court proceedings. They have the right to be notified of the charges being brought against them and the right to acquire an attorney (if the youth could end up in a correctional facility). Additionally, a youth must be read his Miranda Rights upon arrest. In court, a youth cannot be forced to testify against himself.