The correct answer is "the house proposes and approves a bill; the senate reviews and approves a bill; the governor vetoes the bill; the house and senate vote and override the veto".
Arizona’s legislative process is comprised of a series of steps where the Governor, the Senate and a House of Representatives make actions. First a member of the House of Representatives proposes a bill and the Senate must review it and approved within a given deadline. After both the House of Representatives and the Senate approve the bill, it is send to the Governor. The Governor may approve the bill or it could vetoes it. If the second happens, the House of Representatives and the Senate may override the veto by a 2/3 vote. After this process, the Secretary of State can become the bill into an act.
The Roman Republic was an unequal system where Patricians(the elite) had special rights and power for most of the Republican existence, whereas other people living in Rome were divided between free Roman citizens, non-citizens who had reduced rights, and slaves who has no rights.
The Roman Empire was an empire ruled by emperors that controlled parts of the Mediterranean as well as parts of Asia and Africa, during their rule, Rome was one of the most powerful cities in the world.
The agreement with Viceroy Velasco tasked Oñate with two goals; the better-known aim was to explore and colonize the unknown lands annexed into the New Kingdom of León y Castilla (present day New Mexico) and the Viceroyalty of New Spain. His second goal was to capture Capt
Afghan War, in the history of Afghanistan, the internal conflict that began in 1978 between anticommunist Islamic guerrillas and the Afghan communist government (aided in 1979–89 by Soviet troops), leading to the overthrow of the government in 1992.
Um, I'm 12?
We still think that direct exposure to filth/decay can give us diseases and it’s probably true.