During the Middle Ages and the Ancien Régime, the form of political organization in Europe was the hereditary monarchy, sustained by the feudal mode of production. Inside these monarchies, political power were scattered through several political centers, with their own laws and relative administrative autonomy. Society was hierarchically organized, with almost none social mobility. This kind of political organization was radically changed by the Enlightenment idea of “social contract”, which stated that political power were transferred from the people to the monarch, who, since then, ruled definitively as the unique source of rights and obligations, therefore, centralizing the political and legislative power in the king himself. Although, the king should guarantee a certain level of individual freedom, being the social contract limited by this goal.
Germany , Italy and Japan formed the Axis powers in WWII
Answer:The Fear of Communism and the fact that Vietnam was being a puppet like state for the soviets in which America did not want Soviets idea spreading and overcoming democracy.
Explanation:During this time Vietnam was spread apart the north Communism and south was American in which they both fought neither winning or losing important positions or landmarks and eventually we called our troops back realizing the waste of supply’s for the inevitable truth that most of the Vietnamese people accepted communism.
Lines of Lattitude and Longitude
The Security Council has primary responsibility, under the United Nations Charter, for the maintenance of international peace and security. It is for the Security Council to determine when and where a UN peace operation should be deployed.