It is necessary for a force to give impulse for the object to move, achieve speed and acceleration.
The movement can be modified at any time by changing the object's position.
The word "speed" refers to the ability to move quickly. This means that every object with speed has the ability to move very fast.
A reference point can be used to determine if an object is in motion or at rest, but it cannot be used to determine the time traveled by an object.
Anything that remains at rest, that is, remains stationary can be used as a reference point to determine whether another object is at rest or in motion.
The reference point does not need to move with the moving object, it is possible that it will be used even in repayment.
The speed is calculated by the ratio between the displacement (ie distance traveled) of an object and the time spent at that moment.
Objects may have displacements at low speeds, but not zero.
A long distance trip requires more time.
There are several objects on earth that are at rest in relation to different points of reference.
A lo largo de la historia y hasta el surgimiento del movimiento feminista, las mujeres se encontraron en un lugar relegado en la sociedad. Varios son los ejemplos de esta situación, entre los que podemos mencionar:
-el sometimiento ideológico, al prohibirseles el voto hasta bien entrado el siglo XX. Hasta hace 100 años atrás, las mujeres no tenían la posibilidad de expresarse en las urnas.
-las mujeres, en sus trabajos, aun hoy en día sufren discriminación salarial: cobran menos que los hombres por el mismo trabajo realizado.
-la total dependencia de los labores domésticos, los cuales son otorgados en forma egoísta a la mujer por parte del hombre. La mujer muchas veces ocupa un rol de "sirvienta" al servicio del hombre, completando todos los quehaceres de la casa sin ayudas.
-el sometimiento económico, por el cual en el pasado no se permitía a la mujer trabajar, con lo cual se la hacia absolutamente dependiente económicamente del hombre.
-la desigualdad en los puestos de poder entre hombres y mujeres, la cual se ve explicitada en la proporción de mujeres con altos cargos políticos en comparación con la cantidad de hombres en los mismos.
Some of the sources that can be biassed when it comes to evaluating the current American presidency compared to past presidents include current executive members
Other biased sources include the following:
- Political party members of the President,
- Previous schools the current President attended,
- Family of the current President
- The political party the President belonged to,
- The special assistants to the current President, etc.
The sources that would be biased when evaluating the current American presidency compared to past presidents are those closest to the President or in support of the incumbent President.
Hence, in this case, it is concluded that many sources supporting the current President will be biased towards his cause.
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Power of the common people
demos means the common people
kratien means power
Have fun passing that class I currently have three hours to do 25 assignments at the end of that three hours I will have my finals grade for all of my classes ahhh