What is the opposing viewpoint Quindlen has? The nation fails more then it succeeds, for instance slavery and sweatshops. Claim ... to the first sentence that says "America is an Improbable idea" which supports her argument ... What does Anna mean when she describes America as being "like the crazy quilts that have ...
D …. Before he worked in a bank he had alway wanted to get a job in bank
John tests Buck by commanding him to jump off a cliff, which Buck obeys before John stops him at the last minute. Buck luxuriates in his primitive, almost mystical connection with John, while John seems more confused and possibly scared of the implications of Buck’s devotion. In this way, John appears to have a less developed character than Buck, which seems surprising since Buck is a dog.
B. it states the main idea i.e. the topic of the essay
Opaque means it's not see through, not clear, or transparent