sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational.
Cognitive development can be defined as the development of thought processes, skills, knowledge and problem-solving abilities from infancy through adulthood.
Jean Piaget was a developmental biologist and psychologist who worked extensively on cognitive development in infants and teenagers; these are judgement, knowledge and thoughts.
Jean Piaget's stages of cognitive development in order are;
I. Sensorimotor: this is between 0 - 2 years (18 - 24 months).
II. Preoperational: this is age 2 - 7 years.
III. Concrete operational: this is age 7 through age 11.
IV. Formal operational: this is from adolescence (11 years) through adulthood.
Water. is probably a good one
First , determine what kind of physical ability that you excel at and what is your physical weakness
for example, you're very agile but you have no strength.
Second, you determine what kind of sports that required a physical aspect that matched yours
For example, Football need agile athletes for certain positions
Third, analyze what can you do in that sport with your physical ability
Since you're agile but you got no strength, you are useless on the defensive line, but you can be really useful as a Runningback
Last, prepare a training regime that you will need to do in order to fulfill your role in that spport
for example, cardio conditioning on Monday- Wednesday, sprint training on Thursday, etc
*Should someone be poisoned from water