The first agreements, known as SALT I and SALT II, were signed by the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in 1972 and 1979, respectively, and were intended to restrain the arms race in strategic (long-range or intercontinental) ballistic missiles armed with nuclear weapons.
The Great War of Empire was also known as the Seven Years War or the French Indian War. In New England, for example, people connected water power and recognized sawmills and grain mills. Excellent harbours promoted trade and the sea became a source of great wealth. In the Southern colonies due to the print and transportation revolution, the way of travelling was consistent and economical. The population significantly decreased due killings that rose as a result of the battles.
Locke was a philospher who is claimed to be the most influential person of the Enlightment thinkers. He is also kbown for creating liberalism, and is recognized as the Father of Liberalism.
I hope this is what you mean
Restricting output onto the market. Charging a higher price than in a more competitive market. Reducing consumer surplus and economic welfare.
It was established in Persia, today's Iran.
It has the lands of Iran and many of its today neighbourIng coutries, such as a big part of Turkey Aghanistan and Pakistan.