To understand and give advice on resisting peer pressure, peer pressure must be defined and understood first. Without this, it will be much more difficult to give helpful advice on peer pressure as peer pressure will not be defined in this specific case, which is why peer pressure will be explained. While some people think peer pressure is simply the pressure to do something bad by classmates or society, peer pressure is much more that the forcing of a person to do an action.
Peer pressure, in it's generic form, is defined as the giving of a pressure to do something by the people they trust and/or are around. In some cases, it can be from people that the person feeling the pressure doesn't recognize, but in most cases of peer pressure, the peer pressure is from trusted peers and peers around them. The after effect of peer pressure in all instances is justified by either a "We didn't make you do it", "You had the opportunity to not do it", or even the rare "We don't even know you." Either way, all justifications of peer pressure are designed to subtly make the person peer pressured more open to being exploited for selfish gain either indirectly or directly. During the peer pressuring, a variety of decisions and discussions go on in the head of the person being peer pressured. The discussions are based around whenever it is worth doing what the peer pressure is for, why the peers of the person being peer pressured are peer pressuring, and what could be the consequences afterward.
Resisting peer pressure is hard because the peers are either trusted, or there are a lot of the peers doing the pressure. Peer pressure in some cases can be good, but in this specific case, it is not. Peer pressure can have dire consequences, including the loss of friends, getting in serious trouble, or the degrading of one's self. There are ways of resisting peer pressure, such as ignoring the pressure, but ignoring the pressure is kind of hard to do as the peers are well, peers.
To resist peer pressure in a successful manner (results will vary), the person being peer pressured can imagine peer pressure that want the opposite of the original peer pressure. An example of this is imaging peer pressure that pressures oneself to not steal their grandmother's wedding ring or else their family will be disappointed in a clash to peers pressuring the oneself in this instance to steal their grandmother's wedding ring. Another method of resistance to peer pressure could be planning for peer pressure. Preparing for peer pressure could be as easy as imaging significant scenarios and planning exactly what one would say and do, or as hard as setting up events that would take the person being peer pressured out of the situation. Another method of resisting peer pressure would be to make the peers pressuring not be alive, but that would be a crime, so it is not recommended to make those who are doing the peers pressuring not alive.
At the end of the day, resisting peer pressure is a pain. However, with the right steps, one can be invulnerable to peer pressure. From ignoring the peer pressure to creating imaginary (or not imaginary) peer pressure to counter the peer pressure, there are a variety of ways to resist peer pressure. Resisting like said earlier is hard, but it is possible.
I decided to do the introduction as I did because it is necessary. Without an introduction, an essay would fall flat as there is no transition. As for the "Defining Peer Pressure" section, it exists to create the definition of peer pressure so no one can say that the word "peer pressure" is being used incorrectly, as the word "peer pressure" is defined. For the rest, it exists to explain the conclusion and itself in a orderly and easily comprehensible manner.