B. The world focuses too much on outward appearances; one shouldn't try to live up to others' expectations.
T. S. Eliot's poem "The Love Songs of J. Alfred Prufrock" deals with the sadness and aloofness of a person amidst the 'busy' lifestyle of the new technological age. This dramatic monologue also involves the speaker Prufrock's inner thoughts at trying to reveal/ declare his inner feelings to his lady love but is unable to do so for his feeling of inferiority overtakes him.
The given lines show how men judge one another despite the achievements that the man may have. They will always find fault with one thing or another, like when Prufrock states <em>"My morning coat, my collar mounting firmly to the chin, My necktie rich and modest, but asserted by a simple pin"</em> is overshadowed by their observation of how thin his arms and legs are. This shows how <u>the world chose to focus on outward appearances</u>, which the speaker tries to play down and rather focus on not what they say, or try to live up to that expectation. Rather, <u>one must live as one sees fit, ignoring others' expectations of what we should be. </u>
the first one tell me if wrong
Chris is very stubborn, he believes that he can do everything by himself. He is very hardworking, doing his best always, and he doesn’t react well to critics or any kind of authority.
That is why he refuses advice that Gelien wanted to give him, that wanted to buy him better equipment for his trip to Alaska. He is afraid to accept any advice because he feels that those pieces of advice could stop him from going where he intended to go.
1) the correct answer is B True love is inexplicable and boundless.
2) the correct answer is C “I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where” (Line 9).
3) the correct answer is A urgent and passionate.
4) At the beginning of the poem, he says why he does not love her. He doesn't love her as if she was a salt-rose, topaz, or carnation, but he loves her as if she was a plant that does not bloom. This means that he does not love her superficially, but he loves her deeply for who she is on the inside.
Flowers are beautiful things that everyone admires, but no one would admire a flower that doesn’t bloom because they could not see the beauty that it contains.
In novel Jane Eyre, Jane studied many language including French and Hindustani. While studying at Lowood School, Jane learns French language. After running away from Mr. Rochester, she stays with Diana, Mary and St. John. She tries to study German but St.John encourages her to study Hindostanee. The language St. John studying for his missionary work in India.